Introduction SEO Case Portfoliobox
When Portfoliobox, a creative platform for designers and artists to showcase their work, reached out to us in September 2022, they were facing a decrease in sales, reflecting sub-optimal SEO. Our AI solution conducted a comprehensive website audit, revealing various issues and growth opportunities. In parallel, we rolled out a tailored strategy to create unique content mirroring their distinct product offerings.
The central objective was to boost website visits and platform registrations. Despite having an excellent team of developers, Portfoliobox lacked advanced SEO support. Our first step was a meticulous niche and competitor analysis, followed by a thorough website audit. One initial hurdle was the time-intensive task of implementing changes to the website, due to its bespoke design and lack of a standard template.
Our comprehensive audit yielded a clear roadmap.
Technical SEO Fixes
The bespoke nature of the website had overlooked key SEO elements, leading to numerous unindexed pages and errors. By devising a detailed specification for developers, we rectified these issues, enhancing site ranking and user experience.
Content Marketing Strategy
High-quality, optimized content was crucial for both users and search engines, and the content they had was average as best. With our experienced content team, we revitalized the main page text and maintained its relevance. Furthermore, we crafted a dynamic content strategy, evolving with search engine requirements and latest trends.
Over six months, we proudly achieved the primary goalsDecreased bounce rate by a significant 88%, reflecting higher user engagement. Enhanced registration percentage by 39%, indicating successful conversion optimization. Elevated views and clicks by over 50%, marking an improvement in site visibility and engagement. Our dedicated work on the Portfoliobox project effectively demonstrated how SEOnde’s AI-driven SEO solutions could unlock an online platform's full potential